Community Power with an X-Factor

Wow! There are a lot of ‘X’s in the game! In the unique community system, everyone works together hand in hand. The aim is to have clear responsibilities and at the same time enable all XITASOnians to participate in the further development of the company actively and directly.

Communities at XITASO are holocracy-inspired circles with topic related responsibilities. All communities must have a long-term purpose. To do this, they are equally concerned with operational tasks and continuous further development. For the latter, the OKR method is used which combines objectives of all communities with corporate objectives and makes it understandable. For resources planning (time and money) we use elements from ‘Beyond Budgeting’. So, there are no fixed budgets but, only a rough estimate for the following OKR cycle. With Health Metric, preferably as relative values, we make the performance of our operation business transparent.

Why did we adjust our community structures in 2023?

This is due to the unbelievable growth of XITASO. When we had fewer employees, everyone knew each other and knew who was responsible or had what expertise. But today? To be quite honest, when we talk about 240 XITASOnians, it’s easy to lose track. This is why we need even more clarity and indeed, someone who is explicitly responsible for community issues. For this purpose, we will for sure remain true to our agile DNA.

The XITASO community structure. Agile and highly effective.

Each community has a lead and a deputy. These two ‘have their hats on’ when it comes to that the community fulfills its purpose and artefacts and processes are efficiently driven and further developed. Together with the board members they take care of the operative work, the tactics, and the strategic alignment. The contributors are involved in processes and the creation of artefacts. On the other hand there are the consumers. They place demands on the community and ‘consume’ the output. Participation in a community often arises naturally from the respective core role of each XITASOnian. In addition, everyone is invited to take personal responsibility to participate wherever their know-ledge and passion can make valuable impact.

Which community suits me best?

How to find it out:

  • Talk to your mentor
  • Contact the community board
  • Join one of the monthly meetings to see if this is right for you

Our communities at a glance:

XACO (Agile)
Lead: Baptiste Grand

XHR (Personnel administration)
Lead: Teresa Scholz

XQMC (Quality Management)
Lead: Eva Haid

XAPPS (Business Applications)
Lead: Cornelia Scherer

XIOT (Competence center AAS)
Lead: Christian Heinrich

XRE (Recruiting)
Lead: Lydia Kühn

XBI (Buildings and Infrastructure)
Lead: Ronja Plack

XHR (IT Security)
Lead: Michael Damböck

XRI (Research & Innovation)
Lead: Andreas Angerer

XCON (Controlling)
Lead: Alejandro Roquero

XIOT (Legal)
Lead: Dorothee Schlegel

XSE (Software Engineering)
Lead: Alexander Rampp

XDC (DevOps)
Lead: Dominik Seemiller

XMAC (Marketing)
Lead: Björn Hein

XSTR (Strategy)
Lead: Ulrich Huggenberger

XDSC (Data Science & AI)
Lead: Bernd Schächterle

XMED (Medical Technology)
Lead: Sebastian König

XSULT (Consulting)
Lead: Dominik Spaun

XECO (Sustainability)
Lead: Sina Busch

XMEN (Mentoring)
Lead: Selina Weinberger

XTRAIN (Training and Education)
Lead: Christian Scharrer

Lead: Jan Güntner

XOE (Organizational Experience)
Lead: Michael Schackert

XUI (Usability Engineering)
Lead: Klara Forner

XFIN (Finance)
Lead: Andreas Beirer

XPOC (Product Owner)
Lead: Stefan Klaus

XVER (Sales)
Lead: Florian Tremmel

XGFC (Management)
Lead: Martin Huggenberger

XPTA (Project and Team Allignment)
Lead: Bernd Schächterle

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